Perks of Building Green

Green buildings are the future. We’ve seen incredible progress in new construction in Seattle over the years in working towards the goal of a sustainable future. Many of the projects that we’re seeing constructed are often examples of a new way of building, one concerned with creating a healthier experience for residents and a healthier future for our planet. Green building certifications, which both encourage and reward developers in their sustainable building efforts, are incredible resources to take advantage of, especially in Seattle where development can get held up and any assistance in moving a project along is appreciated.

It's become increasingly apparent that today’s homeowner wants to live in a green building. In fact, according to one study, buildings with LEED certification fetched higher rent prices than those that were not certified. It’s not just homeowners that are interested either, companies want green offices as well. Businesses are going to be drawn to a building that is going to lower their utility bill expenses and maintenance costs.

As we continue to make advances in technology, green buildings will begin to become the norm. Jumping on the train early is going to set you apart from others and allow you access to the benefits currently offered. Research which certification program is right for your building and the sooner you begin planning, the better. Prepare for continued monitoring after a building is completed as certain programs require that a building maintains its low-emission status.

Another huge incentive is that maintaining certified buildings can cost significantly less than those that are not. Because these buildings are constructed with certain eco measures, like low-emission materials or thermal control, they’re going to use fewer resources like water and energy. You’re going to save more because you’re conserving more—it’s a win for you and the environment. Additionally, green building certification can lead to property tax exemptions, grants, zoning allowances, and more. Hopefully, these incredible incentives will encourage more and more developers to progress with this new way of building. I’m certainly excited to see us all benefit from the innovative, sustainable future that we’re working towards today.


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